spindle and drinking hornwollen overdress with beadsaxe and helmetchain mailcopper cloak fastenermen's clothesselection of replica Viking artefactsshield and sword

Viking Resources

The Vikings are an exciting part of the area’s heritage. King Haco’s men sailed their ships up Loch Long just before the famous Battle of Largs in 1263. They then dragged their boats across the isthmus to Loch Lomond, where they burnt and raided the islands. But apart from this episode, right at the end of the period of Viking activity in Scotland, we know that Vikings (or the Norse) had been living, as well as fighting in the area for hundreds of years before that. Check out the evidence for Viking activity around the Clyde, or download a copy of our guide to sites with archaeological evidence of Viking activity in the area.

Schools regularly study the Vikings, and the project therefore provided resource boxes including  a spectacular selection of replica Viking artefacts and costumes (provided by Ceolred Monger). These resource boxes, which are suitable for primary-age children, are now held by Archaeology Scotland and are available to borrow. Mention that you heard about the resources via the Hidden Heritage website :) Click here to download a list of the replica items.



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